Interaction Checker
Potential Interaction
Elvitegravir/Cobicistat/ Emtricitabine/Tenofovir-DF (EVG/c/FTC/TDF)
Velpatasvir has been shown to increase tenofovir exposure, especially when used with an HIV regimen containing tenofovir-DF and a pharmacokinetic enhancer (ritonavir or cobicistat). The safety of tenofovir-DF in the setting of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir and a pharmacokinetic enhancer has not been established. Close monitoring for tenofovir-associated adverse reactions is recommended. Coadministration of elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir-DF and sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (400/100 mg once daily) increased tenofovir Cmax, AUC and Cmin by 36%, 35% and 45%, respectively. Elvitegravir Cmax, AUC and Cmin decreased by 7%, 7% and 3%; cobicistat Cmax, AUC and Cmin increased by 11%, 23% and 71%; emtricitabine Cmax, AUC and Cmin increased by 2%, 1% and 6%, respectively. Cmax and AUC of sofosbuvir increased by 1% and 24%; Cmax, AUC and Cmin of GS-331007 increased by 13%, 35% and 45% respectively. Velpatasvir Cmax, AUC and Cmin increased by 5%, 19% and 37%, respectively.
View all available interactions with Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir by clicking here.
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